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Rate Your Site

  (with the SafeSurf Rating System)

      This form enables you to generate a SafeSurf Rating META Tag.  Include this Rating Tag as part of your site's HTML code to make it compliant with the requirements for a safe Internet without censorship.   Once rated, family-safe sites can be listed with search engines that only list rated sites.
      It is also very important for Adult oriented sites to rate themselves to better enable filtering software to protect children.


First, list your Web Site Address and your Contact Information.   It's important to specify whether you are rating one Web page or your entire domain.

Next, choose the Recommended Age Range for the site.

Then, identify any Adult Themes contained in your Web Page by using the pull down selection boxes containing descriptions.

Please take the time to identify your content accurately. Click on each underlined Adult Theme for more information about that theme.

Finally, press the CREATE RATING button to generate the code to add to the top of your Web pages. This code will also be sent to your e-mail address.

For questions check our Rating FAQ.

Tell us about your site

This rating is for

        List the URL of your Web Page or Web Site:
        NOTE: Site directory names should end with a slash "/"
Example of a Domain -
Example of a Web Page -

        The Title of your Web Page or Web Site:

Please provide contact information:
Note: This infomation should only be provided by an Adult or under Adult supervision.
Full Name:
State:   Zip:

Please choose the Age Range for your site:

Recommended Age Range for Your Site:

Identify any Adult Themes on Your Web Site
(Click on the title of each Adult Theme for more information)


Sexual Themes:




Glorifying Drug Use:

Other Adult Themes:

SafeSurf Standards

- I Certify that our site does not SPAM others, does not sell illegal products, does not engage in illegal activities, and does not install hidden or unauthorized software.

- I understand that the generated META rating code must be placed on my site's homepage in order to be properly rated. Without proper placement of the SafeSurf META code, I can not claim to be SafeSurf Rated.

Click to Generate Rating Code


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